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Mon - Sat: 9:00am - 2:00pm

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Welcome To Guru Brahmanand School

Invest in Your Student’s Future

The purpose of building the school was to provide quality education, a place where students’ needs are the center of educational philosophy where excellence is stressed by providing individual attention, and the overall social development of the children is carefully nurtured.

We aim at providing quality education to future generations, in the backdrop of changing social, moral, and ethical values of society. Excellent staff and ensures to widen and the vistas of mind in children. They enhance the physical, mental, and moral levels in children and lead them to energize their creativity, self-esteem, and actualization.

The Vison

To build on your of experience and our rich repository of human resources; to constantly integrate the emergent best practices of education into our system; to stay amongst the best schools and spread it to other geographical locations.

The Mission

To provide outstanding intellectual, spiritual, and physical education, combining tradition with the best of the present, which prepares gifted students for their future.

To foster a culture of developing a spirit of inquiry and curiosity, through inspirational and responsive teaching.

To provide the structure of individual pastoral care that promotes a child's independence, whilst fostering respect, tolerance, kindness, and service.

To develop and maintain the school's facilities to ensure that the physical environment of Guru Brahmanand Sr. Sec. School, Panipat sustains the excellence of its education.

To build substantive links with the local community through voluntary service, outreach, and the sharing of our facilities.


Quality Teachers


Enrolled Students


Successful Events


Satisfied Parents